Thursday, October 14, 2021

Últimos Días de Penumbra : Comiqueando presentation.
*The Energía Ilustrada label published in our country «Últimos Días de Penumbra», a 96-page book that contains a complete graphic novel written and drawn by Max Becco, several pin-ups by different invited artists, a foreword by Seba De Caro and a cover of Gabriel Luque. The protagonist is Marcos Vaughn, a young adult capable of seeing the truth of the world and the supernatural beings that inhabit it. After years of torment and suffering, he decides to implement a plan to end it all: find the demon responsible for his torment. The book is worth $ 400 and can be found in a few comiquerías in the Federal Capital, many of which ship all over the country.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Galathea #2

Colaboración con guión de una pagina.

Últimos Días de Penumbra - Review by Demian Urdin from "Guión y Dibujo" *#RecomendadoDeLaSemana in Script and Drawing! "Last days of penumbra" by Max Becco / Edited by Energía Ilustrada. By Demian Urdin These last few weeks have been difficult. Several positive cases in my family, two preventive isolations by close contact. Four jobs at the same time. An excruciating headache and a throbbing left eye for a few hours. I choose to open that email that they had sent to Script and Drawing, I felt at fault with the artist who had given us his book and I wanted a moment of distraction. Max Becco was not in my library, neither in physics nor in digital. The journey through “Last Days of Twilight” would be without preconceptions, without prefabricated ideas like those that usually accompany the reading of artists who already know the trajectory, the traps and the common places. The immersion was total and in hindsight I think I should have taken some precautions. The book is awash in awkward, messy, dirty, and annoying lines. The walls have scratches, black lines, very black. Beards prick, nails scrape. Everything in Becco's work exhibits surfaces that hurt when touched. As we advance in the story, the darkness drags us with it, full blacks that begin to suffocate the reading. Fear advances in a story that does not pay attention to introductions or prologues. The drawing may initially appear incorrect, sloppy, or unprofessional. But you know what? It is the right tone for this story, no one else would have achieved this harmony with the intention of making us cling to the edge of the chair and we find ourselves clenching our fists from the tension. Despite this, I found passages in which the script loses credibility, where the fictional pact is broken by resorting to overly complex sentences, difficult to imagine in River Plate speech. All that power that drawing achieves in its simplicity contrasts with a narrative that is sometimes too philosophical. Becco describes the book as a struggle with her own demons, a rite of passage and breaking, a path of liberation. What he does not warn, and here the betrayal behind "Last days of twilight", is where that fierce evil and those immaterial specters go. Dear readers, avoid dark places if you have this book close by and do not close your eyes along the way.

Bra'tac of Chulak - Stargate SG1


George Hammond - Stargate SG1


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Últimos Días de Penumbra - Muestra.

 Preview del primer capitulo.
10 capítulos de 8 paginas cada uno (80 páginas de historia) + 6 ilustraciones + Solapas.

Tapa de Gabriel Luque 

El Limite 2

Second issue of "El Limite"

Online publication I co-created with Marcelo Marcos Gutierrez.
In this outing I supplied one scripts drawn by Matias Bidinost.

You can read it at

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Samantha Carter - Stargate SG1


Teal'c - Stargate SG1


Marbatuun, Artimpo, Ximzibo, Iranbab, Mowoz of the Obutoz.

Friendly and cowardly gnome. Maister of invention, rogue scout. Slayer of minotaur and orcs. Vanished form his home due to his clumsiness, waiting for the day he can return and redeem himself.
My second DnD character.

Ultimos Días de Penumbra

Mi first self published graphic novel.
Written and illustrated by me, cover art by Gabriel Luque (Instagram @aprostudio_)
Foreword by Seba de Caro (Director)

For the time being it's only available in spanish.
Here's a small sample of the first chapter.